Epilepsy is a brain triggered disorder that can result in the affected person having seizures or convulsions of the body. Such convulsions last about a few minutes and the person undergoing epileptic seizure might be unaware of what’s happening to him/her during those brief moments. They may recover and appear disoriented for a few minutes more.
Epilepsy can’t be cured but is treated through medicines called anticonvulsant drugs.
- Epilepsy is a neurological disorder brought about due to unusual electrical activity in the brain
- The person having the disorder can have episodes of seizures where there can be sudden involuntary movements of the person’s whole body and shaking of the arms and legs lasting a few minutes
- The condition can occur to anybody irrespective of age but children seem to suffer more from the condition following a head injury or emotional trauma
- Electroencephalogram or EEG is the best way for the doctor to understand the exact nature of the disorder and this will help in the treatment.
- Treatment through drugs is the most popular way of keeping the convulsions under check
- Medically, if the patient goes without seizures for a few years under regular medication then there is every possibility the person may not suffer further convulsions
- Apart from medication, dietary regulations have also been adopted by many physicians to treat the condition. Low carb and high protein items are advised as a way to reduce/stop the epileptic seizures
- In some cases, the doctor might decide to conduct a surgery to remove the aberrant part of the brain to treat the individual for epilepsy
- People with epilepsy have to take a lot of precautions in their daily routines to avoid getting seriously injured if they were to suffer a sudden attack of seizures
- Driving and swimming are to be avoided by them
- People standing around can help reduce the suffering by turning the person over to one side and offering a support to the head. Care can also be taken to remove any object that can cause injury to the person while having the convulsions.
- Some doctors study the pattern of the seizures occurring and help in regulating them in such a manner that the person gets the convulsions only in the nights while asleep
- This can limit the damage done to the person and can also help the person in going about normal routines
- Parents must inform the school authorities if their children suffers from epilepsy so that they can provide first aid to such students immediately if episodes occur in school
Epilepsy is a brain-related disorder that can cause the person to go through involuntary shaking of the body and the limbs. It is usually treated with drugs. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Neurosurgeon.